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  • Writer's pictureBrenda

Misfits Meets Whole30

My relationship with Misfits Market got way more serious when I did Whole30. What a great


So my husband and I like to eat good food … all the time. After a couple years, that leads to some weight gain. To readjust, we decided to combine Whole30 and Lent (we give up booze). We figured, let’s lose 10 pounds so that we regain the same 10 pounds and not an additional 10 pounds. Smart, eh?

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Whole30, it’s essentially no sugar of any kind, no booze, no grains, no beans, no dairy for 30 days. You can eat meat, veggies, and fruit. It’s supposed to reset your system and help you see if any of these foods irritate you when you re-introduce them. Although the point of Whole30 isn’t weight loss, weight loss usually occurs. Your shape will change for sure—your body gets to the point where you start burning your own fat—gotta love that!

Anyway, for our Whole30, I upgraded our weekly Misfits Box from Mischief to Madness. The Madness Box is huge. I sometimes have to ask for help getting it inside my house. At first, I was overwhelmed by all these fruits and veggies. I thought, “There is no way the two of us can eat all this!!” But we did, and we still do. Even when our Whole30 was over, I never went back to the smaller box. I thought we ate a lot of veggies before Whole30, but now, half to two-thirds of our plate is veggies at every meal. And believe it or not, your body knows how to handle and digest all those veggies! Who knew?

While we eat all those yummy carbs and cheeses again after Whole30, we eat almost the entire Madness Box every week. Though I think we’re still working on last week’s mangoes…

My advice: start with the Mischief Box, but end up at the Madness; they’re veggies, folks! You can eat as many as you want!

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