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  • Writer's pictureBrenda

Misfits Hurdles: You Never Know What's Coming

Well, I guarantee you, you’ll get apples.  Beyond that, I see your point.  If you are a mealplanner or even just an organized person, I can see how this would be frustrating.  Every time I need celery, I don’t get it.  When I don’t need it, I get tons. 


-Pick a delivery day when you will have time to see what you got and then brainstorm how you can use those things.  If your schedule is really tight, maybe shift your pizza night to Misfits Box delivery day so you don’t have to cook dinner AND plan.  The kids love pizza night no matter what night it is!

-Prioritize using the fruit and veg that decay quickly.  A chart like this one below should make your planning easier: use the items in the left column and progressively move to the right.  So, if this is what I got in my Misfits Market Box today, maybe we have a protein on the grill with green beans and a side salad that contains peaches, and then some clementines for dessert.  Tomorrow’s lunch can be broccoli and summer squash + protein stirfry, and dinner = stuffed peppers with greens, apricots for snacks.  And you just keep moving to the right on the chart.  

You may want to start with an actual chart of what you got this week and cross things off as you eat them up.  Soon, though, you’ll be able to do this in your head.  Yes, yes, you will!!!

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