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  • Writer's pictureBrenda

Garlic Bean Parsley Salad

I found this recipe one day when I got a huge, beautiful bunch of parsley in the Misfits Box. I

don’t know what to do with parsley other than garnish, and I’m not much of a garnish girl. So I did some google research and landed on this recipe by I tried it because of the reviews, not because it sounded good. IT WAS AMAZING.

I now get excited when I get parsley in The Misfits Market Box. This past week, I got

parsley but no celery (??!!) and I’m sorry I can’t make this recipe.

A couple pointers:

-the recipe calls for confit garlic. That’s garlic cloves slow-cooked in fat. I know how to do this (see

future blog post), but I rarely have any on hand. Instead, you can:

-use regular raw garlic: be careful. This makes your bean salad very strong. I suggest only a

clove or two to start. Make sure you chop them as fine as you can. Use a garlic press if you have one.

-use roasted garlic: I often throw a garlic clove in the oven in foil when I’m cooking something

else. Just gently squeeze out the brown gooey insides and mash into your vinaigrette.

-I doubled the mustard in the vinaigrette (I use Wegman’s brand dijon).

This recipe gets better as the days go by. The beans absorb the liquid from the vinaigrette and taste absolutely delicious. It’s strong, so a little goes a long way in a lot of different things: in a lettuce salad instead of dressing, on toast, in veggie stir-fry as a seasoning, as a small side on a hot day, on bread …

Just make sure anyone you want to kiss eats it, too!!!

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