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  • Writer's pictureBrenda

Apples Galore!

I just don’t love apples.  They’re so risky! You never know if the apple is any good until you’ve actually bitten into it. Also, Red Delicious apples are just downright nasty.  I’ve never had one that was actually delicious.  Red?  Yes. Delicious?  No.  Is it just me?  And let’s be honest. Sometimes, the apples in The Misfits Market Box are great: crisp, juicy, and sweet.  The other times, they’re beat up, kinda gross, and not appetizing.  But do we waste them?  NO!!  The whole point of Misfits Market is to avoid waste.  Earlier in my Misfits days, after a couple weeks of apples accumulating all over my counter and me trying to eat them as snack and not enjoying them, I came up with a better idea: APPLESAUCE.  I made it once, gave it to my husband, and now he asks for it regularly.  That’s called a win-win.  We no longer have an apple problem.  

I use 4-6 apples at once and they end up fitting nicely in the 16oz/100ml mason jar.  You can use whatever container you want, but I like the mason jar because I can use the immersion blender right in the jar, and then throw a lid on it, and put it in the fridge.  

Step by step instructions:  

-Peel, quarter, and core the apples.  I am not opposed to peels, but I am opposed to the wax on the peels, and I don’t have time to wash them so thoroughly that I can get that wax off. Any solutions out there? 

-Cut each quarter into 2 or 3, depending on the size of the apple. 

-Put all your apples into a small pot. 

-Add ½ to ¾ cup water.  Cover. 

-Bring to a simmer.  Simmer for 5-10 minutes or until your apples are soft when you poke a fork in them. 

-Let the apples cool, then transfer apples and liquid into a large mason jar. 

-Blend with immersion blender. 

-DONE.  You have just made delicious, sweet applesauce with no sugar added. 

Fun variants: 

-add a colorful fruit: berries, or even a cooked beet. You will have pink applesauce.  No one will know there is a beet in there. 

-substitute pears for the apples, in whatever ratio you want.  Pears have a little bit of a gritty texture, but some people like that.  This is a great way to use mushy, mealy pears, too.  Fun cocktail: mix this apple/pear sauce with bourbon.   

-use some apple or apple/pear sauce to sweeten your morning smoothie without adding sugar.  

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